A full, comprehensive guide of the fundamentals you need to get started with creating your first Returning.AI community. If you’re at a loss on how to optimize your community, this is the course for you!
🏅 Create and Manage Badges
Aside from XP and Coins, another way to drive engagement within your community is by awarding members with shiny new badges to brandish! Unlike XP and Coins, badges are awarded when completing specific tasks. In practice, badges are a more direct way to incentivize community members to complete actions aligned with your engagement goals.
Learning to Utilize The Various Badge Types
There are two types of badges in a Returning.AI community: Automatic Badges and Custom Badges.
Automatic Badges are badges that are automatically assigned when system-based goals are achieved. An example of system-based goals that can be set are:
- Total messages sent
- Total replies sent
- Total reactions sent
- Total users referred
- Daily visit streak
Custom badges are manually assigned with more specific tasks for members to complete. Here, you can create badges that align with your community goals.
In practice, those custom badges could look something like:
- Follow us on all our social media channels
- Purchase 5 items off our new collection
- Win our Christmas caroling competition
Custom badges can be more specific, more targeted, and perhaps even more desirable for your community members. You can also require members to submit files as proof of completion for each custom badge.
Be creative with your badges! Create a blend of both badge types to boost motivation within your community. Badges can also be configured to award XP to the users who achieve them, adding extra value to a badge.
Managing Your Community's Badges
Since custom badges have unique requirements, they will need to be manually assigned. Members will be able to apply for any custom badge once they feel they’ve completed the necessary requirements.
On your badge management page, you can review all badge requests and approve or reject them.
Your community members can pick up to 3 badges to display on their profiles and in chatrooms. The chosen badges will also be displayed on the community leaderboards, which we will cover in the next lesson!
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Advanced Gamification and Automation
Automate rewards, run custom competitions, and integrate gamification into your community.
Boosting Social Media Engagement
Learn to utilize Returning.AI’s social media integrations to grow your social media presence.
Creating Tiered Membership Levels
Create a membership-system by learning to use private channels and configure role access.
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