Getting Started with Community Creation: An Introduction to Returning.AI

A full, comprehensive guide of the fundamentals you need to get started with creating your first Returning.AI community. If you’re at a loss on how to optimize your community, this is the course for you!


🪄 Your Welcome Page

Starting your Community off Right

An excellent place to start is with the first part of your community that prospective members will see: The Welcome Screen.

The Welcome Screen is not only the page that greets your prospective community members but also a place for you to dispense important information about your community that will keep it running smoothly. 

Aside from configuring the welcome screen to align with your branding by uploading a background image and updating your community description, there are 3 key pieces of information that you’ll want to set up for your prospective members;

  1. Rules and Disclaimers
  2. Custom Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
  3. Sharing of Personal Data

Create Clear and Concise Community Rules

Creating community rules and disclaimers is important in establishing a clear set of guidelines for community behavior. Depending on your client base, you might want to prohibit certain topics of language in your community. 

Prospective members must agree to your rules and disclaimers before joining your community. Our audit log timestamps each acceptance, recording user details and IP addresses to eliminate disputes. 

Though we have a list of preset rules and disclaimers you can choose to employ, we suggest crafting rules more specific to your and your community’s needs.

Establish your own Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

Similarly to Rules and Disclaimers, you’ll be able to craft your own Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions agreements that prospective community members must agree to before gaining entry into your community. 

Depending on your business and the country in which you reside, implementing your own agreements ensures that you comply with any necessary laws in your region. Prospective community members can review these documents before gaining access, ensuring transparency and adherence to regulations.

Sharing of Personal Data

One of the benefits of creating a community with Returning.AI is the amount of data points you’ll be able to receive from your community members. We allow you to legally collect your prospective community members’ first names, last names and email addresses. 

This is done by configuring your joining requirements. Selecting a field as a joining requirement means prospective community members must agree to share those details with you before joining.

If you’d like to require your members to share their first names, last names and emails, you may set all 3 fields as joining requirements. Alternatively, if you’d like to collect only member emails, but allow members to decide whether or not to disclose their first and last names, you would enable only emails as a joining requirement.

Joining requirements allows you to legally collect information from your community members, serving useful in building different communication lanes to better serve and market to them.

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